Amazonian’s Hotheads | Deadliest Journeys

Dec 23, 2023 | Environmental, History, Lifestyle, People, Videos

Jose Gutuierez is an extraordinary pilot from the great plains of Colombia. He is one of the few pilots in the world that has mastered flying at extremely low altitudes and can land on very short, often treacherous dirt runways that sometimes end in a ravine. Every day, he puts his life on the line to perform a vital and dangerous task – spraying pesticides or fertilizers into fields no more than a meter above the ground. A single moment of inattention could be catastrophic for him, yet he continues to perform this essential service with skill and expert precision.

The story of Jose Gutuierez’s remarkable feats as a pilot has been captured in an inspiring documentary called “Plane Above The Ground: The Story Of Jose Gutierrez”, which highlights his incredible bravery and skill in performing this invaluable task. Through breathtaking aerial footage and personal interviews with those who know him best, viewers will get an up-close look at how Jose faces each risky take-off and landing with courage and determination.

We invite you to join us in celebrating Jose Gutuierez’s incredible heroism by watching Plane Above The Ground: The Story Of Jose Gutierrez. This exciting documentary offers an insight into his life that will leave viewers feeling inspired and humbled by what one man can do when faced with danger each day.

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David B