The 7 Best Documentaries About Blackstone

Nov 27, 2023 | Best Of

Blackstone is a feature documentary about the life and times of African American-owned businesses. Through powerful interviews, compelling stories, and insightful views of Blackstone’s past, this film takes an in-depth look at the current state of African American entrepreneurship. It also highlights the challenges faced by everyday entrepreneurs and how they have come to prevail over adversity. Through Blackstone, viewers can learn about the successes and struggles of African American businesses in today’s society.


The financial giants of Blackrock and Blackstone control unimaginable wealth and assets. In fact, you may be invested in their holdings without even knowing it. With such an immense influence on the markets, it is no wonder they have received both acclaim and criticism for their actions. For example, Blackrock’s involvement in the FTX fiasco and Blackstone single handedly causing the housing affordability crisis.


Emmitting an air of mystery and prestige, Larry Fink has managed to stay slightly out of the public eye despite being the head of BlackRock, one of the biggest asset managers in the world. As of 2020, they have a staggering $9 trillion under their management with clients ranging from pension funds to sovereign wealth funds, central banks and individual investors. It all began in 2008 when the US government bailed out too-big-to-fail giants like Bear Stearns, AIG, and Fannie Mae. They didn’t bother with competitive bidding; instead they hired BlackRock to analyze and clean up the mess. This was a huge opportunity for Larry Fink, who had been quietly building his financial giant and had forged key connections that allowed him to secure the government contract. Fast-forward to 2020 and the Federal Reserve is printing money to buy corporate bonds in yet another effort to bail out corporations with too much debt or those needing more capital. Who did they enlist for this task? You guessed it, Larry Fink’s BlackRock. Despite their deep-rooted involvement in the bailout, they manage to remain low key. But that’s Larry Fink for you; 33 years of experience and a knack for staying just out of reach has made BlackRock one of the most influential asset managers in today’s market. Sure, it may have come with some controversy but he certainly knows how to get the job done with discreet professionalism. Who knows where this master of finance will lead BlackRock next? Only time will tell.


Stephen Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Blackstone, recently spoke at Stanford GSB’s View From The Top event. During his talk he highlighted the importance of teams sharing similar values in order to be successful. He also discussed ways to handle rejections while embarking on an entrepreneurial journey. Schwarzman encourages people who are passionate about their goals and values to surround themselves with like-minded individuals who have similar beliefs. He highlighted the fact that teams should be united in their purpose to achieve success. This means having an understanding of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and opinions while working towards a common goal.


Evant, the Blackstone Group L.P., has been a powerful force in business for years – and that power was on full display as Chairman, CEO & Co-Founder Stephen A. Schwarzman spoke with Economic Club president David M. Rubenstein. The two shared their insight into the current state of society and industry trends, while also revealing their creative approach to problem-solving. It’s no wonder that the energy in the room was electric – Schwarzman and Rubenstein are true masters of their craft, able to inspire others with their thought-provoking conversations and innovative ideas.


The real estate world was shocked when Blackstone, one of the most influential and renowned real estate banks in the industry, declared bankruptcy earlier this year. Little did they know the failure would be so catastrophic. When it all came crashing down, all eyes were on Blackstone. What had caused this disaster? How did Blackstone, the powerhouse of the real estate world, succumb to such a devastating collapse? It was soon discovered that faulty investments and lack of oversight on behalf of the bank’s management were largely to blame.


It was a bleak day for the world when news about Blackstone’s collapse first broke. After years of success, one of the most powerful and influential companies in the world had suddenly gone bankrupt. People everywhere were left to ponder how it could have happened so quickly as their trust in corporate entities plummeted to an all-time low.


Stephen A. Schwarzman, Blackstone’s Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder, joined Francine Lacqua from Bloomberg at the 2023 Qatar Economic Forum to discuss the risks and opportunities of investing in an ever-shifting world. Supported by the State of Qatar government, this event was made possible thanks to Bloomberg’s collaboration with the Qatar Economic Forum. With the global landscape evolving faster than ever, Stephen shared his insights into the current market challenges and how to capitalize on looming opportunities. He also explored new strategies for emerging markets and identified potential areas of growth. Those in attendance were given an invaluable perspective from one of the world’s leading experts on finance and economics. It promises to be a memorable event that will shape investment decisions for years to come.



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David B