The Best Documentaries About Ed Roth

Nov 19, 2023 | Art, Best Of

Documentaries have long been a source of knowledge, inspiration, and entertainment for people all over the world. They have the power to transport us into different worlds, expose us to new ideas, and challenge our beliefs. And when it comes to documentaries about legendary figures like Ed Roth, the experience becomes even more captivating. From his iconic hot rods to his eccentric personality, there are endless stories to be told about this cultural icon. So let’s take a journey through the 10 best documentaries that bring Ed Roth’s life and legacy to the forefront.


1. Ed “Big Daddy” Roth

Ed “Big Daddy” Roth was not just your average car enthusiast, he was a cultural icon who revolutionized the automotive industry with his eccentric designs and bold personality. His work has been featured in numerous documentaries that have captured the essence of this larger-than-life figure.


2. Ed “Big Daddy” Roth at home on EYE ON LA (circa 1986-87)

Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, a name synonymous with hot rods and custom cars, was an American artist, cartoonist and car enthusiast. His unique style and creations continue to inspire generations of artists and car lovers even decades after his passing.


3. Rare Interview: Ed Talks About His Last Build, the Stealth 2000

As the engine roars to life, Ed Roth’s signature smile lights up his face. He grips the steering wheel tightly, feeling a thrill that never gets old. This is his last build – the Stealth 2000 – and it’s unlike anything he’s ever created before.

Watch it here


4. Ed “Big Daddy” Roth Bonus Interview

With his iconic pinstriped cars and larger-than-life personality, Ed “Big Daddy” Roth is a legendary figure in the world of hot rods and custom cars. But beyond his flashy designs and outrageous creations, there’s much more to this man than meets the eye.


5. This guy is the Ed Roth of Australia

Have you ever heard of the Australian Ed Roth? No, not the famous American artist and cartoonist. We’re talking about an equally talented and creative individual from down under. His name is Rod Hadfield, but he’s better known as “Australia’s Ed Roth”. Just like his American counterpart, Rod was a visionary in the world of hot rods and custom cars.


5. Shift of Heart – Legacy of Ed “Big Daddy” Roth – KSL Doc

Ed “Big Daddy” Roth was a man of many talents. He was an artist, a car designer, and a pop culture icon. But what set him apart from others was his unique style and larger-than-life personality. Born in 1932, Ed Roth grew up tinkering with cars and drawing cartoons. He combined these two passions to create some of the most iconic and influential custom cars of all time. He was a pioneer in the world of hot rod culture and is often credited with popularizing the “Kustom Kulture” movement.


6. ¨Tales of the Rat Fink¨

In 1932, Ed Roth was born in Beverly Hills and grew up in Bell, California. He developed a love of mechanics and motorsports from an early age, building his first custom car at age 18. Although he started out as a successful graphic designer for companies like Sears and the May Company, Roth never lost his passion for cars and continued building custom vehicles in his spare time.


7.  Creating Your Own Opportunity With Ed Roth

Ed Roth has been a legend in the world of custom cars for decades, known for his innovative designs and iconic creations. But beyond the flashy paint jobs and sleek curves, there’s a deeper story to be told about this pioneer of hot rod culture. In fact, there are several documentaries that delve into the life and legacy of Ed Roth, each with its own unique perspective and insight into the man behind the machines.

Read On – Our Latest Top Documentaries Lists

David B