The 12 Best Documentaries about Black Holes

Jul 12, 2023 | Best Of, Science

Black holes, dark matter, and time travel have long been the stuff of science fiction. But these mysterious objects in the universe are more than just a Hollywood trope – they offer us an insight into some of the most fascinating phenomena in our cosmos. For centuries, humans have looked to investigate and understand black holes for their gravity and force. Now, with modern technology allowing us space exploration further than ever before–we can begin to uncover what lies behind reality-bending black holes. From Stephen Hawking’s first calculations to popular sci-fi films—let’s take a look at some of the best documentaries that explore this captivating topic and discover how our understanding has evolved over time.


1.Why Black Holes Could Delete The Universe – The Information Paradox

We all know black holes are mysterious and dangerous phenomena, but what if they could actually delete the universe? Join Dr. Alessandro Sfondrini on a journey into one of the great riddles of modern science as we explore how their strange properties may lead to a paradigm shift in our understanding. Supported by Agora Grant n. 171622 and the NCCR SwissMAP: The Mathematics of Physics, this documentary is sure to provide an exciting look at one of astronomy’s biggest mysteries!


2. The Most Powerful Black Holes in the Universe

From the death throes of a star to the most powerful force in our universe – supermassive black holes. This documentary takes us on an exploration of extreme physics and reveals the catastrophic potential of these mysterious creatures. Learn about their extraordinary capabilities, and gain insight into how they shape time and space. Witness this incredible journey into the unknown as we uncover secrets about black holes!


3. It’s Reality! Scientists Finally Sees What’s Inside Black Hole! – Black Holes Documentaries

In 1916, Einstein proposed a revolutionary theory that would forever change our perception of the universe – General Theory of Relativity. It was the first to suggest that black holes could exist! Since then, researchers have been on a mission to uncover the mysteries hidden within them. Now after fifty years, they’ve finally made an astonishing discovery inside Cygnus X-1 -a bright blue star looping around an immense black object. Could this mean there’s more than just an abyss?


4. Stephen Hawking – Black Hole Time Travel

Imagine being able to travel through time! It’s a concept that has been explored in fiction for centuries, but now renowned physicist Stephen Hawking reveals the science behind it. In this documentary, learn how black holes can be used to propel us into the future and uncover Hawking’s revolutionary discovery that time travel is possible. Delve into the depths of the cosmos and explore one of nature’s most powerful forces – gravity – with Stephen Hawking.


5. The Life Cycle Of Black Holes – Spark

From their remarkable beginnings to the influence they have on galaxies and solar systems, black holes are some of the most mysterious forces in our universe. In this documentary, explore how modern laser systems and powerful telescopes in space are beginning to uncover some of these cosmic enigmas. Follow this journey as we learn about their vibrant formation in the early universe, their life cycle, and even how they could shape the future of space-time itself! Dive into ‘Black Hole’ and unlock a world of awe-inspiring secrets behind these titanic monstrosities.


6. Monster Black Hole

In this documentary, explore the secrets and mysteries of Monster Black Holes! Learn what they are, how they’re created from supernovas, and the physics of supermassive black holes. We’ll take a close look at these titanic formations to understand more about our universe. From uncovering the formation of black holes to seeing what we would experience if we got up close to one – prepare for an immersive journey into space!


7. Biggest Black Holes and Cosmic Monsters

Witness the incredible power of black holes and cosmic monsters! In this video, you’ll learn about a newly discovered giant black hole that is astonishingly young. Researchers believe that it swelled to its enormous size just 875 million years after the big bang. Explore how these cosmic giants grow by consuming gas and stars, as well as their immense power over our universe. Discover what makes them so unique in this mind-blowing documentary!


8.  The Other Side of a Black Hole

Have you ever wondered what lies on the other side of a black hole? Astronomers have long pondered about this mysterious phenomenon, and today we will explore all the exotic and fascinating possibilities. Jump right into this video to learn more about one of astronomy’s great enduring mysteries: What really happens when something gets too close to a black hole? What is destroyed, and where does it go? Find out now!


9. The other end of a black hole – with James Beacham

Have you ever wondered what lies on the other side of a black hole? Astronomers have long pondered about this mysterious phenomenon, and today we will explore all the exotic and fascinating possibilities. Jump right into this video to learn more about one of astronomy’s great enduring mysteries: What really happens when something gets too close to a black hole? What is destroyed, and where does it go? Find out now!


10. Invisible Universe: Black Holes

The universe is filled with mysteries, and one of the most fascinating topics to explore are black holes. In this documentary, we take an in-depth look into these mysterious and powerful objects that have been captivating our imaginations for centuries. Learn about the history of black holes, what scientists know so far about them, and why they continue to fascinate us! We’ll also discuss how these invisible phenomena can teach us more about the universe around us.


11. Michio Kaku: The Big Bang Was Wrong – We live Inside A BLACK HOLE

Have you ever wondered where we came from and if the Big Bang Theory is accurate? In this documentary, world-renowned physicist Dr. Michio Kaku explains his revolutionary theory that suggests something different: We live inside a black hole! Join us as we explore the scientific evidence behind this mind-blowing hypothesis and learn how it could change our understanding of the universe.


12. What If You Traveled Through a Black Hole?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you traveled through a black hole? We explore the science behind this mysterious phenomena and discover some of the incredible possibilities that exist in this fascinating realm. From time travel to alternate universes, we investigate the theories and ask: What if you travelled through a black hole?

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David B