The 11 Best Documentaries About Books

Aug 2, 2023 | Best Of, Education

Books come alive on the big screen! Documentaries about books can be an incredibly powerful and informative way to explore a text. From in-depth analysis of beloved classics, to explorations of lesser known works, there are documentaries out there that capture the essence of literature.So why not sit back and enjoy some cinematic insight into your favorite books? Here’s our list of 11 must-watch documentaries about books – get ready for a literary journey like never before!



Are you suffering from a content overload? With Netflix, podcasts, social media and the 24 hour news cycle all vying for our attention – when will we ever find time to read books again? I was struggling with this same problem, so decided to make a film about it. Hoping to discover an answer that would help me re-balance my content diet and make room for more book reading. Follow me on this journey as I explore ways of achieving bookstore harmony!


2. Best Books

Are you curious to know which books have been adapted into movies? If so, this video is for you! We’ll take a look at the 15 best books that have made it onto the big screen. From classic novels to modern masterpieces, these stories are sure to captivate your imagination and leave you wanting more. So don’t wait any longer – watch now and find out what amazing stories were brought from the page to the silver screen!


3. A bunker for books

Viktor Lazić is on a mission to create the biggest library between Vienna and Istanbul. He has already collected one million books, which he stores in an air raid shelter without any state funding or support from cultural institutions. His plan is to give away donated books as gifts to prison inmates and refugees – while keeping the rest for his own library project. But not everyone agrees with his mission: some people think it’s too ambitious, while others are inspired by what he’s trying to do. Follow Viktor’s journey as he collects more donations from people who want to honor their deceased relatives’ book collections – all in the hopes of creating a unique and inspiring bunker full of knowledge!


4. Movies Based on Books

Books have a special way of captivating our imaginations, and some stories are so powerful that they have been adapted into movies. In this video, we will explore the top 10 greatest films based on books. From classic novels to modern day bestsellers, these movies will take you on an unforgettable journey! We’ll also provide insight into why these adaptations were successful and how they bring beloved stories to life. So sit back and let us show you the best book-to-movie adaptations ever made!


5. Great Books: Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams

Do you want to understand the underlying psychological motivations behind your dreams? In this documentary, we explore Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams and how it has shaped our understanding of the subconscious. Follow us as we dive deep into this seminal work and uncover what lies beneath the surface of our dream state. With insights from experts in psychology, learn how Freud’s theories can help us make sense of ourselves and our world today.


6. Books for Documentary Filmmaking Motivation

Are you looking for some guidance and insight on how to become a great filmmaker? Reading can be a really useful tool in developing your skillset. In this video, I’m going to share with you my top 6 books that have helped me throughout my filmmaking career. From finding motivation to creative advice and professional tips, these books will give you the push you need when feeling stuck. Learn how reading can help your journey as a filmmaker!


7. Amazing Books That Have Been Adapted To Movies

Are you a fan of both books and movies? If so, then this video is for you! We’ve collected 15 amazing stories that have been adapted from books to the big screen. From beloved classics like Harry Potter, to award winning films such as The Godfather, we’ll explore how these stories have changed with their transition from page to screen. Join us as we take an in-depth look at some of the most captivating adaptations ever made!


8. Angels & Giants The Book of Enoch Documentary

Discover the mysterious and fascinating world of ancient texts in this documentary on The Book of Enoch! Learn about angels, giants, and other supernatural beings as we explore the stories behind these incredible tales. Join us in 2023 for an exploration into the oldest known book found among humans and see how it still holds relevance today. Uncover secrets that have been hidden away for thousands of years with Angels & Giants: The Book of Enoch Documentary!


9. The Book of Enoch Banned

Delve into the captivating and mysterious world of the Book of Enoch, a forbidden text that has been banned from the Bible for centuries. This ancient manuscript holds shocking secrets about our past that have long been suppressed by the church. Learn about fallen angels who have corrupted our earth, tales of debauchery and bloodshed, as well as sorcery – all contained within this fascinating read! Explore these thought-provoking mysteries with us today to uncover what hidden knowledge lies in wait.


10. Incredible Books to Read

Are you looking for some great books to read in 2023? Look no further! In this video, we have compiled a list of 15 incredible reads that will keep your attention and enrich your life. From classic novels to new releases, these titles are sure to make the perfect addition to your reading list. Get ready for an unforgettable journey through stories that will take you on a roller coaster of emotions – so buckle up and get ready for an amazing ride!


11. Book Recommendations

Are you looking for some new and inspiring memoirs to read? Look no further! In this video, I share my best book recommendations – the memoirs that have stayed with me long after reading them. From stories of overcoming adversity to tales of finding your true purpose in life, these books will give you the motivation and insight needed to make a positive change in your own life. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and get ready to be inspired!



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David B