The 10 Best Documentaries And Videos About The Yanomami People

Aug 20, 2023 | Best Of, Culture

The Amazon basin is home to the Yanomami people. They are an indigenous tribe from the North of Brazil and Southern Venezuela that have lived in relative isolation for centuries. Documentaries exploring their lives, customs, and struggles have become increasingly popular over the last few years as viewers explore remote lifestyles and cultures through film. Here’s our list of the best documentaries about Yanomami, which provide an insightful and often heartbreaking look into their lives and culture. From Emmy award-winning films to lesser known gems, these documentaries will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the Yanomami people and how they have survived difficult circumstances. So grab your popcorn and get ready for a journey to the Brazilian Amazon.


The stories of the Yanomami people have echoed through time. As they live their lives in between Venezuela and Brazil, we can only imagine what it’s like to experience life as a semi-nomadic tribe. Their ancient beliefs and practices serve as a reminder of our shared history and humanity. Taking the time to listen to these shamans share their personal experiences allows us to take part in their world and see the beauty of their culture. It invites you to explore an age-old tradition through the eyes of those who practice it, and discover a captivating way of life. Come with us on a journey to uncover what makes this people so special.


Welcome to the world of the Yanomami people. Through generations, their culture and way of life has been preserved in spite of external pressures and influences. They are an Indigenous tribe living in the Amazon rainforest, between Venezuela and Brazil. Their relationship with nature is unique — they live in harmony with the plants, animals and spiritual energy that surround them. But this harmony is threatened by many external forces.


After I reconnected with my mother and rediscovered my Yanomami heritage, an extraordinary event took place on the day of my arrival into the village. My aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and many other relatives welcomed me warmly. But what was completely unexpected was being introduced to two women as potential wives by both my mom and the headman of the village. I was never asked for my opinion or consent! This type of arranged marriage is an ancient tradition, however I was left in a very perplexing situation not only because these women already had husbands but also since I come from two incredibly distinct cultures. Over the years, it has been difficult for me to comprehend how this awkward relationship should work and how to navigate within it. Nevertheless, I am determined to adopt a creative solution that honors both of my cultural backgrounds.


I’m always looking for creative ways to share my culture with the world. Last year, I came up with an innovative idea: a live Q&A from my Yanomami village via satellite phone. Hosted by Northampton Community College of Pennsylvania, this was an opportunity to field questions in real time while I was in the field! The response was overwhelming — people from all walks of life were able to connect with my village and learn about our unique lifestyle. Although the Q&A was a success, it certainly wasn’t easy. The scorching sun heated up my camera to the point that it kept shutting off. But with some perseverance, I managed to make it through! I’m grateful for this experience and look forward to doing more in the future. It’s always a pleasure to share the Yanomami culture with the world! Hopefully, more people will be inspired to learn about and appreciate different cultures.


The Yanomami are a fascinating group of people. They live deep in the Amazon, separated from modern society and living in harmony with nature. The Yanomami have a rich culture including rituals, spiritual beliefs and an ancient language – all unique to their way of life. These people also have an impressive range of creative endeavors. Their artistry is seen in the textiles and pottery they make, as well as their elaborate body painting techniques. They are known for their intricate carving skills, too – from making tools to crafting masks and jewelry with exquisite detail. As well as the physical creativity that can be witnessed among the Yanomami, there is also a spiritual connection to their art. For them, being creative is a way of connecting with the natural world and expressing the power of nature. It’s an opportunity for them to express their beliefs and experiences without words – something which has been passed down through generations.


The Amazon rainforest is home to one of the most threatened indigenous people in Brazil – the Yanomami Indians. The Yanomami have been living peacefully on their ancestral land for centuries, but now they face an unprecedented threat: illegal gold miners. In recent years, President Jair Bolsonaro has sanctioned mining operations in Roraima, a northern state of Brazil, which has resulted in an influx of miners invading Yanomami lands.


Deep in the Amazon rainforest, a tribe remains untouched by modern civilization. The Yanomami Indians are an incredible group of people who have retained their traditional ways of life despite being surrounded by a rapidly changing world. From their hunting and gathering habits to their communal living, the Yanomami are an intriguing tribe that is worth exploring. The Yanomami people have lived in the Amazonian rainforest for centuries. They rely on hunting and gathering as well as horticulture for subsistence. The Yanomami have a unique way of life with many fascinating beliefs and customs. For example, they practice “shamans” or spiritual healers who are believed to have supernatural powers. The Yanomami also practice communal living in small villages and settlements. They live in round thatched-roof huts with no walls, which allows them to easily relocate when needed. The men hunt while the women gather food and take care of the children. There is a strong sense of community among the Yanomami, as they rely on each other for survival. The Yanomami people are a great example of how traditional cultures can remain intact in the face of modernity. They have an incredible way of life that has been passed down through generations and is still practiced today. By exploring the mysteries and secrets that make up the Yanomami culture, we can learn more about the human experience and how it has evolved over time.


Emilio del Valle Escalante, also known as mil’ Keme, is a K’iche’ Maya scholar and activist. He is an important member of the Ix’balamquej Junajpu Wunaq’, a collective which works to combat colonialism in both the United States and Mexico. Keme currently teaches English at Emory University, and is working on a monograph titled “Abiayala: A Trans-hemispheric Indigenous Manifesto”. This project examines the struggles of Native American people for self-determination. Keme hopes to bring light to the potential of transnational Indigenous alliances by exploring topics such as settler colonialism borders, environmental justice, forced migration, and rights for Indigenous women and LGBTQ2s+. Keme’s work shines a light on the importance of solidarity between Native Americans, recognizing that these struggles are not just limited to one region but extend across two hemispheres. He hopes to provide a platform for Indigenous people everywhere to create meaningful connections, share their stories, and create lasting change. Keme is an inspirational scholar and activist whose work is helping to strengthen the Indigenous voice. By raising awareness of this important issue, mil’ Keme is bringing attention to a cause that needs not only recognition but also real action in order to create lasting change. His scholarship will serve as a foundation for many future conversations around Native American topics and further the understanding of how these struggles are interconnected on a global scale. With his work, mil’ Keme is paving the way towards a brighter future.


Davi, President of the Hutukara Yanomami Association, speaks out about the urgent need for indigenous people to be heard when it comes to international negotiations on Climate Change. With changing temperatures and ecosystems in the Amazon due to global warming, Davi is passionate about giving his people a voice and raising awareness of their plight.


The Yanomami people are an ancient tribe living in the Amazon rainforest. For generations, they have told stories that have been handed down through their culture and passed on from one generation to the next. Today, some of those stories still exist thanks to technology such as the ham radio and moka – tools which allow them to communicate with others outside their own village.

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David B