Controversy over reintroducing the lynx in EuropeThe documentary follows the journey of Lias, a male lynx living in the Upper Danube Valley. Researchers have put a...
The 9 Best Documentaries About RabbitsRabbits have become one of the world's most beloved and iconic domesticated animals. They are often seen as symbols of...
The German Wirehaired Pointer and The German Shorthaired Pointer – Pet Dog Documentary EnglishThe German Wirehaired Pointer and the German Shorthaired Pointer are two of the most popular pet dog breeds in the...
Most polar bear cubs do not survive past their 1st birthdayPolar bears are some of the world's most beloved creatures, but their future is uncertain. With temperatures rising...
Ethics and meat consumptionIn this thought-provoking documentary, viewers embark on a journey to explore the relationship between humans and farm...
The Setter – Pet Dog Documentary EnglishThe Setter - Pet Dog Documentary English is an exciting and informative movie about the world of pet dogs. Following...
Not so easy to train a monkey – The Lords of the AnimalsMonkeys are among the most beloved creatures in the animal kingdom, often seen as gentle, playful and mischievous. But...
Cry of the WildThe legendary director Bill Mason, a true lover and defender of wildlife, has crafted an awe-inspiring documentary...
The fight for Africa’s rhinosEvery day, at least one rhino is killed by poachers in South Africa. Their horns are worth more than gold on the black...
The 11 Best Documentaries About BeekeepingBeekeeping is an ancient and precious practice spanning hundreds of years. It has been used in various cultures around...
Could cloning help save biodiversity?Cloning has become a powerful tool in the fight to preserve biodiversity and protect endangered species. Cloning is...
Animals Like Us – Animal EmotionsAnimals Like Us is an award-winning documentary that seeks to answer the question of whether non-human animals...
Our noise is killing marine life, but we can turn down the volumeThe ocean is no longer the peaceful, tranquil environment we once knew. The waves are instead filled with a cacophony...
Bluebird ManAl Larson, a 94-year-old man from Daggett Creek, Idaho, is a remarkable example of the power of commitment and...
Europe’s toughest dogsled raceThe Finnmarksløpet: a grueling test of endurance that separates the best mushers from the rest. For the competitors,...
The 12 Best Documentaries About The OceansAre you curious about the beauty and power of the world’s oceans? And want to learn more without having to jump in a...
Being CaribouKarsten Heuer and Leanne Allison, a dedicated environmentalist couple, set out on an incredible journey to raise...
With the Tsaatans and their reindeers – The Lords of the AnimalsThe Tsaatans, also known as the Reindeer Herders of the North, is a small indigenous people living in the northernmost...