World’s Most Unique Garden: Gardens by the Bay | Megastructures

Oct 7, 2023 | Environmental, Videos

Singapore, a small highly urbanised place, is home to 5 million people, living in a land area smaller than New York City. To keep this small city-state liveable, Singapore has embarked on one of its greatest and most ambitious projects to date. Gardens by the Bay is an awe-inspiring mega project that is nothing like any other on earth. It features three massive gardens, covering an area equivalent to 177 football pitches each, and which hold thousands of plants from all over the planet.
Two giant conservatories are to be constructed to protect millions of dollars worth of rare and exotic trees, flowers and plants. It will also house dramatic manmade vertical gardens called Supertrees that stretch as high as 50 meters in the sky. This greening project is unprecedented and no one has ever attempted such designs before. Gardens by the Bay is a marvel where the cutting-edge applications of engineering and technology collaborate with the green designs of tomorrow.
It may come as no surprise that the inspiration behind the documentary, “Gardens by the Bay”, is drawn from this astonishing project undertaken by Singapore. A tour of this remarkable place leaves one filled with wonder and admiration for the vision of those who proposed, designed, and executed it. If you are seeking inspiration or a relevant example of what can be achieved, this is a documentary that you cannot afford to miss. The Gardens by the Bay project is an ode to harmonious conditions between a bustling and highly urban environment and the natural world that surrounds it. This is a testament to humanity’s imaginative accomplishments, and their potential for the future. Watch “Gardens by the Bay” documentary and be amazed by the marvels of this inspirational project.

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David B