World’s Most Dangerous Places: Coldest Road, Trip Antarctica, Wittenoom

Jun 11, 2023 | Environmental, Social, Travel, Videos

Are you looking for a thrilling journey to the most dangerous places on Earth? Look no further! Through our documentary, we will take you on an exciting tour of some of the world’s most extreme destinations.

We start in Siberia, which houses the coldest road on Earth. During winter, temperatures plunges to -50 degrees Celsius! Although it is considered one of the harshest places on the planet, adventurers and explorers still embark on their journey in search of true thrill.

Next stop: Antarctica. It is the most isolated continent with virtually no permanent residents. But researchers from Germany have taken up residence at Neumayer Station III where they are collecting data for a possible mission to Mars. Scientists are even attempting to grow vegetables in this hostile environment—in hopes that they can gain insight into how cultivation might work on other planets, such as Mars.

Finally, there’s Australia’s ghost town: Wittenoom. Our reporter Raphael takes us through this deserted city made uninhabitable due to asbestos contamination. Witness what it looks like when a place loses its place on all world maps forever!

Be sure not to miss out on this eye-opening exploration into some of the most dangerous places on Earth. Watch our documentary and get ready for an extraordinary adventure!

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David B