Winner Takes it All

Nov 12, 2023 | Art, Sports, Videos

Rhythmic gymnastics is a truly fascinating and captivating sport that has been gaining in popularity over the years. It originated in Russia, and this country still sets the bar for excellence in this discipline. The legendary Russian coach Irina Viner Usmanova has had an incredible impact on the success of her athletes, having trained some of the most famous gymnasts.

Irina Viner is known for her individual approach to each athlete and her ability to motivate them personally. She understands their individual needs in order to help them reach their fullest potential. Unfortunately, in rhythmic gymnastics, most careers come to an end by age 21-22 due to the physical demands of the sport. To perform at a high level, athletes need to adhere to a strict diet and weight limit, even as little as 300 grams can make a difference when it comes to peak performance. Alina Kabayeva, 2004 Olympic Champion, remembers how she was asked to lose 3 kg in three days when she first started out – something many of her peers could not do due to their love for sweets!

It takes an incredible amount of dedication and strength for these athletes to remain on top of their game despite all odds. Margarita Mamun, seven-time World Champion, recalls performing through immense pain during practices as she wanted nothing more than success. Nowadays, Alina is organizing festivals which are a great opportunity for young children passionate about rhythmic gymnastics who want to showcase their talents – athletic ability or not!

For anyone eager to learn more about this beautiful sport or just looking for some inspiration, this documentary is not one you should miss! It tells an inspiring story that will leave everyone spellbound by its beauty and grace – don’t forget your tissue box! So go ahead and watch it now!

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David B