Why Did He Do This To Her? | Mollie Tibbetts Case

Jul 19, 2023 | Crime, Videos

Mollie Tibbetts was a beloved student psychologist from Brooklyn, Iowa and an inspiration to many. In July 2018, her life was tragically cut short when she went for a run and never returned. The case of Mollie Tibbetts has been covered extensively across the world, and is now the subject of a powerful documentary that explores the diverse issues surrounding her disappearance.

Mollie was only 20 years old and dog-sitting for two weeks when she vanished – an event that shocked the small rural town of Brooklyn and far beyond. An extensive search ensued with tips pouring in from all over the country, but ultimately it would take months before her killer would be identified.

The documentary sheds light on some of the complexities surrounding Mollie’s death, exploring topical issues such as immigration, racism and hate crime, as well as providing an inspiring insight into how her family dealt with this tragedy. It draws upon exclusive interviews with Mollie’s friends and family members as well as intimate footage taken during the search operation that captivated so many Americans in its wake.

This riveting documentary is essential viewing for anyone wishing to gain a deeper understanding of who Mollie Tibbetts was, how her death affected those around her, and what can be learnt from such a tragedy. By watching this moving story, viewers gain an intimate connection to Mollie’s memory that will stay with them long after they have watched it. We urge you to watch this powerful documentary about Mollie Tibbetts – one that will make you laugh and cry in equal measure – so we can remember her life in all its beauty.

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David B