What caused the Morandi Bridge Collapse? | What Went Wrong

Oct 9, 2023 | Disaster, Videos

On August 14, 2018, the Morandi Bridge in Genoa, Italy tragically collapsed, sending vehicles and rubble crashing to the ground below and claiming the lives of 43 people. The collapse of one of Genoa’s most iconic structures sent shockwaves throughout the engineering and architectural community, as experts sought to understand what went wrong with the Morandi Bridge.

Long hailed as a feat of engineering prowess by residents of Genoa when it was completed in 1967, the Morandi Bridge had become an important part of the city’s history. It was designed by Italian engineer Riccardo Morandi with a revolutionary mix of concrete and steel to create its unique curved shape. But its ambitious design may have been its downfall: engineers now suggest that due to wear-and-tear compounded over time, the bridge became structurally unsound – a disaster waiting to happen.

The tragedy left survivors stunned, yet thankful for a miraculous rescue by firefighters who raced against time to pull out those still alive from under the rubble. Though there were many heartbreaking stories of loss that day, stories like these offer us hope and courage in difficult times.

For those seeking deeper insight into this devastating event and its aftermath, be sure to watch “The Morandi Bridge,” an Al Jazeera documentary which explores this tragedy through interviews with survivors and top bridge engineers. Discover more about how faulty maintenance practices and inadequate inspections led to one of Europe’s deadliest bridge collapses – and find inspiration in human resilience amidst great suffering.

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David B