What A 17 Year Old Killer Looks Like

Jun 25, 2023 | Crime, Videos

On October 5th, 2012, 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway left her home in Westminster, Colorado to walk to school. She never arrived and soon enough, she was reported missing. For weeks afterward, authorities searched for her until a grim discovery was made – her body had been found in a nearby park.

The case of Jessica Ridgeway has captured the attention of many people, leaving them with unanswered questions as to what happened that day. Now, an all new true crime documentary is here to shed light on this mystery and uncover some of the hidden details surrounding her disappearance and death.

The documentary looks into the events leading up to Jessica’s disappearance as well as her life before it. It also examines how the investigation unfolded through interviews with family members and key individuals involved in the case. Through these interviews and other evidence presented in the documentary, viewers will get a better understanding of why this tragedy occurred and how it has impacted those who knew Jessica personally or were involved in the search for her.

This true crime documentary is both educational and captivating for viewers from all backgrounds. From those who are passionate about true crime to those with no knowledge at all about the case, everyone can learn something from this story. Watch as each twist and turn unravels in this compelling piece of investigative journalism that takes you closer than ever before to finding out what really happened to Jessica Ridgeway that fateful day.

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David B