Wayne Dyer’s Daughters: Serena and Saje – Continuing His Legacy of Love, Intention, & Miracles

Jun 12, 2023 | People, Videos

Serena Dyer Pisoni and Saje Dyer are two daughters of the incredible spiritual teacher and author, Wayne Dyer. Growing up with a father who was not only a best-selling author but also a deeply spiritual person was an experience in itself. In this new documentary, we delve into what it was like growing up as children of Wayne Dyer, and how his teachings impacted their lives.
Wayne Dyer’s message of love, compassion, and self-awareness deeply influenced both Serena and Saje’s lives, and it was Wayne’s teachings that they turned to when faced with the overwhelming tragedy of his sudden passing in 2015. The documentary explores how the two sisters navigated the grief that followed Wayne’s passing with the help of his teachings and how it ultimately brought them closer together.
Throughout the documentary, Serena and Saje share the powerful and sometimes unexpected signs they received from their father after his passing. These signs and messages from Wayne provided comfort in their time of need and showed that love transcends physical boundaries.
Towards the end of his life, Wayne had come to a place of deep knowing, where he understood that his soul would transcend the limitations of his physical form. Serena and Saje share how Wayne almost looked forward to his next phase and was excited about the expansion of his soul.
In their new book, The Knowing, Serena and Saje take us back to their father’s most important teachings and how love truly is the greatest healer. This documentary is a must-watch for anyone who has lost a loved one or is looking to reconnect with their intuition and knowing once again.
We invite you to watch this heartwarming documentary and rediscover Wayne Dyer’s teachings with his two beloved daughters. It is an opportunity to dive deeper into the messages of love, connection, and self-awareness that Wayne dedicated his life to sharing with the world.

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David B