The Stanford prison experiment was a landmark study in psychology that examined the effects of becoming a prisoner or a prison guard. Conducted by Dr. Philip Zimbardo and his team of researchers at Stanford University from August 14 to 20, 1971, the study was funded by a grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research and was monitored carefully by both the US Navy and Marine Corps to observe how prisoners and guards interacted with one another in a controlled environment.

The study’s results gave way to new insight into human behavior regarding power dynamics within prison walls as well as in society at large. This landmark study has since been adapted into feature films, books, television shows, and even board games–all offering an interesting take on what happened behind those prison doors. Recently it has been made into an acclaimed documentary that provides an intimate look into this important psychological research and its profound implications.

This gripping documentary tells the story of what happened during the experiment as told through interviews with Zimbardo himself as well as former participants in this groundbreaking research. It offers valuable insight into how our actions can be shaped by external forces beyond our control and how we can break free of these influences.

For anyone interested in understanding the dynamics between power structures, ‘The Stanford Prison Experiment’ is essential viewing. If you’re looking for an intriguing true-life story with enduring relevance to modern life, then this documentary is for you! Watch it today and gain insight into some of the most powerful psychological experiments ever undertaken!