The Snapchat Clue | Full Episode

Aug 13, 2023 | Crime, Videos

When Chandler Halderson’s parents suddenly vanished one day, little did he know that his social media would help investigators unravel the mysterious case. In this groundbreaking documentary by “48 Hours”, correspondent Erin Moriarty brings to light the gripping story of how a father and mother’s disappearance was ultimately solved.

The documentary follows the investigation as it progresses, featuring interviews with police officers, friends, and family members who worked together to determine what happened. Through detailed analysis of social media posts, emails, and video footage, a shocking truth is revealed about why the couple left without a trace. By showcasing the innovative ways in which technology can be used to discover hidden clues, this documentary demonstrates how digital evidence can be utilized to solve even complex cases.

With its captivating narrative and fascinating exploration of digital investigation techniques, this movie is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Don’t miss out on this riveting true-crime drama – tune into “48 Hours” on Pluto TV today!

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David B