The race to design the perfect farm animal

Aug 16, 2023 | Animals, Environmental, Videos

Humans have been breeding animals for centuries in order to produce more food and other resources. We have pushed the boundaries of domestication by modifying the genetics of cows and salmon in order to increase their milk production and growth rate, respectively. However, this type of selective breeding comes with a cost: our animal-derived products may be more readily available, but are they really sustainable?

The documentary “More Than Milk” investigates this crucial question. It highlights the ways that animals are being treated in order to meet human demands and scrutinizes the effects this has on the planet’s resources. It also explores possible alternatives that would allow us to produce more food without compromising the welfare of our livestock or risking irreparable damage to the environment.

From dairy farmers struggling to keep up with demands for milk to scientists researching new sustainable solutions, “More Than Milk” tells the stories of people who have devoted themselves to finding a balance between sustainability and productivity. By presenting different perspectives from all sides of the debate, it allows viewers to draw their own conclusions about how we can improve animal welfare while also ensuring our food is as sustainable as possible.

In addition to providing an eye-opening look at animal production, “More Than Milk” is also filled with inspiring stories from passionate individuals who are determined to make a difference. If you’re interested

As the human population continues to increase, so does the demand for food. To meet this demand, livestock farming has become increasingly industrialized in recent years, with many farms taking extreme measures to maximize their yields. This includes breeding cows for higher milk production and modifying salmon’s genes to promote faster growth rates.

But while these tactics have led to increased yields and greater efficiency for farms across the world, they also raise important questions about sustainability. Do these practices come at a cost to our environment? Are there ethical considerations which should be taken into account when using them?

To answer these questions, it is essential that we gain a better understanding of how animal-based food production works and what its effects are on our planet. And one of the best ways to do this is by watching the documentary “Food Inc.,” which provides an in-depth look at industrial livestock production and its consequences both now and in the future.


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David B