The power of the pharmaceutical companies

Jun 25, 2023 | Health, Medicine, People, Videos

In a world where innovative cancer therapy promises to save lives, how much is a human life worth? This gripping documentary explores the complex ethical and economic questions surrounding one such therapy – Kymriah.

But as it turns out, the killer cells that make Kymriah possible were not invented in the Novartis laboratories, but at a US university.  No pharmaceutical company was interested in this breakthrough therapy until a young girl’s story about beating leukemia spread worldwide. With exclusive marketing rights, Novartis funded the necessary clinical trials to launch Kymriah on the market. However, in light of this paradigm shift in the pharmaceutical industry – where high drug prices are now justified by the value of gained lifetime – what is truly at stake? This documentary explores the conundrum through gripping firsthand accounts and expert opinions, painting a picture of a complex ethical and economic landscape.

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David B