The new Cold War – More nuclear weapons in Europe?

May 17, 2023 | Military/War, People, Political, Social, Videos

The New Cold War – More Nuclear Weapons in Europe?” is a gripping and timely documentary that delves into one of the most pressing issues of our time. Directed by Andreas Orth, this film explores the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Europe, and the rising threat of nuclear war in the face of mounting political tensions.
Orth draws upon the insights of top military experts from France, Germany, Russia, and the US, to paint a compelling picture of the current state of nuclear armament in Europe. Through interviews with these experts, as well as chilling footage of once top-secret former nuclear missile installations, the film showcases the new generation of nuclear weapons that have slowly made their way back into the heart of Europe. Against the backdrop of Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine, Orth poses an urgent question – just how great is the danger of nuclear weapons being used in the war against Ukraine, and what could this mean for Europe and the world at large? If you’re looking for an incisive and deeply affecting look at the state of nuclear politics and what it means for global security, “The New Cold War – More Nuclear Weapons in Europe?” is an absolute must-see.

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David B