The Nameless Dead

Jul 17, 2023 | Culture, Environmental, Lifestyle, People, Videos

Every year, thousands of migrants make a dangerous journey across the Evros River, the natural border between Greece and Turkey, in a desperate attempt to find a better life for themselves. Unfortunately, many of these migrants do not survive the treacherous crossing, ending up drowning or dying of hypothermia before they reach their destination. When the bodies wash up on the banks of the river, it is often difficult to identify them due to lack of documentation.

That’s where forensic scientist Pavlos Pavlidis comes in. By using forensic techniques such as DNA analysis and X-rays, he works to uncover the identities of these lost migrants so that their families can finally get closure. His work is chronicled in an incredible documentary by film director Stelios Apostolopoulos titled ‘The Migrants’ which won Best Documentary at DocPoint Helsinki 2019.

This documentary serves as a powerful reminder that even those who are seemingly forgotten by society still deserve dignity and recognition for the lives they lived. It shines a light on Pavlos Pavlidis’ inspiring efforts to give a voice to those who have been silenced by tragedy and gives viewers an intimate look at what it takes to identify these victims so that their loved ones may be informed.

It’s a heartwrenching story but also an important one that needs to be told – one about courage, hope and perseverance in the face of adversity – and one that we hope will inspire others to continue advocating for change in our world today. We urge you to take some time out from your day and watch ‘The Migrants’, if only to gain a better understanding of this humanitarian crisis and bring justice for those affected by it.

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David B