The motorsport with no gas – Formula E in Switzerland

Nov 25, 2023 | Sports, Videos

As the world races towards a greener future, the automobile industry is stepping up to the challenge. But what does it really take for a car to run purely on electricity? To find out, the documentary takes us to Bern, Switzerland, where the Formula E race is underway. Some may see this sport as just an advertising opportunity for big auto companies, but it is also a showcase for the technology of tomorrow, pitting some of the world’s best innovations against each other. And Switzerland, with a long history of championing technological advancements, is right in the mix.
The film takes us on the ride of a lifetime with Sebastien Buemi, Switzerland’s best driver, as he competes in Formula E’s first race in Bern in over 65 years. But the story doesn’t end there. Alongside Buemi, we also join Swiss start-up Microlino on a quest for innovative solutions to transport issues in the world today. What does it mean to truly be sustainable? And what does the future hold for mobility? This documentary unravels these questions and more, in a journey that may lead to a green future for all.

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David B