The late Kobe Bryant often said, “You Want First Place Come Play With Me, You Want Second Place Go Somewhere Else.”
A born winner, Kobe Bryant won 5 NBA championships, 2 Finals MVPs, and a regular season MPV award. Widely regarded as one of the top 10 NBA players of all-time, Kobe continued the legacy of Michael Jordan.
He copied many of Jordan moves, but built his own legacy. Many of the NBA players in the league right now credit Bryant as the person they idolized growing up.
Every generation has its own winner. And for many kids growing up in the 2000s and 2010s, Kobe Bryant was that guy.
He also helped lead the US basketball men team to the gold in the 2008 Olympics. This documentary takes a look at his work ethic and how he practiced to become the winner we know him to be.
The Mindset of a Winner | Kobe Bryant Champions Advice

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Riyan H.