The Merchants of Cool, a documentary by Rachel Dretzin and Barak Goodman, provides an in-depth exploration into the world of pop culture and its influence on teenage behavior. Through interviews with market researchers and teens themselves, viewers get a firsthand look at the methods used to determine the latest trends that teenagers are interested in.

The documentary takes a hard look at how companies use this information to target teens with their marketing campaigns and create products specifically designed to appeal to them. By showing how deeply entrenched these practices have become within our consumer culture, The Merchants of Cool shines a light on what it really means to be a teenager in today’s society.

In addition to providing an interesting perspective on pop culture, The Merchants of Cool also presents an intriguing debate between those who argue that the media is responsible for creating ill-informed youth and those who believe that youth can make informed decisions about what they consume. This is an important conversation that needs to take place in order for society to understand the effects that media can have on young people.

The Merchants of Cool is an informative and thought-provoking documentary that every person should watch. Not only does it provide insight into current teen trends, but it also offers valuable insight into the power of consumer culture and its impact on teenagers today. Don’t miss out! Watch The Merchants of Cool now for a fascinating journey into the world of teenage consumerism.