The first modern financial crisis in the globalized world

Jun 15, 2023 | Economics, Social, Videos

The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and 2009 nearly led to a complete collapse of the global economy. Experts have since questioned whether the toxic threat of collapse is an inherent part of our economic system. Could it be that we are still living on an economic powder keg? This pressing matter is examined by world-renowned experts in a captivating documentary that delivers a deep insight and explores the shocking possibility that the next financial crisis might be just around the corner.
But this isn’t a new phenomenon. More than a decade earlier, when the Asian financial crisis hit, the global economy was faced with the very real threat of complete collapse. Millions of people lost their livelihoods, and hunger, mass unemployment, and uprisings returned to previously prosperous countries. What was particularly disturbing was that crisis managers had not anticipated the crisis, nor were they prepared for it. Their hasty attempts to correct the problem worsened the situation in the short-term. What led to this crisis that caught the world by surprise? And how do these crises connect to the current state of the world economy? Find out in this thought-provoking documentary.

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David B