The Fight to End Revenge Porn

Sep 17, 2023 | Crime, Technology, Videos

The uncomfortable truth of revenge porn is that it’s a crime unlike any other. It involves the nonconsensual sharing of intimate materials, usually images or videos, that were shared in the context of a relationship. This malicious act has been occurring more and more frequently in recent years- statistics estimate that 1 in 25 Americans have experienced the trauma of revenge porn. Victims experience long-term psychological distress and can also face job loss, cyberbullying, and social ostracism as a result of such violations.

Fortunately, more states are now recognizing revenge porn as an actual crime punishable by law – 26 states currently have specific laws on the books concerning it. While this is encouraging, it’s still not enough to stem the tide. Vice’s Broadly recently released a powerful documentary called “Revenge Porn: Survivors Speak Out,” to bring awareness to this growing problem.

The documentary interviews real victims and their lawyers who are trying to fight back against these crimes online and offline. They discuss their painful experiences and how they managed to find justice despite feeling hopeless at times. With stories ranging from heartbreaking to inspiring, “Revenge Porn” shows viewers just how serious this issue truly is while highlighting the voices of those who have persevered through its consequences.

If you’re looking for an accurate representation of what revenge porn really looks like and how it affects people around the world, then watch “Revenge Porn: Survivors Speak Out” today. It will open your eyes to a hidden form of abuse taking place in our society and hopefully inspire you to take action against it when you come across it yourself or see others suffering from it in your community. Together we can help put an end to nonconsensual sharing once and for all!

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David B