The Documenta art exhibition and the debate over antisemitism

Oct 2, 2023 | Art, Performing Arts, Social, Videos

The 100-day art exhibition, Documenta 15, may have closed its doors in September 2022, but its impact continues to reverberate throughout the German art world. The scandal that erupted over an Indonesian artist collective’s “People’s Justice” banner, featuring antisemitic imagery, sparked a heated debate about where criticism of Israeli policy ends, and antisemitism begins.
Amid the controversy, a new documentary delves deep into the controversy surrounding Documenta 15, exploring the furious and bitterly contested debate surrounding the exhibition. Featuring interviews with key players like Taring Padi, the artist’s collective behind the banner, Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth, and the Central Council of Jews in Germany, this film is an engaging and thought-provoking look at one of the most talked-about events in the art world.

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David B