The Chinese Automaker Changing the Market in Africa | China/Africa Big Business

Jun 17, 2023 | People, Videos

In “China/Africa Big Business: Moving Africa,” viewers embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of Chinese enterprises in Africa. Specifically, the documentary features a deep dive into how the Chinese automaker BAW is making strides in the South African market. However, the documentary is much more than a business analysis. It also touches on how Chinese companies are making strides in rebuilding infrastructure in Angola.
As you navigate through the film, one can’t help but appreciate the unique approach of Chinese enterprises in Africa. The documentary highlights the need for enterprises to adapt their strategies to fit the African market. The result is a thrilling story of learning and influencing between Chinese and African employers, employees, and business partners. If you’re looking for an inspiring and insightful look into the world of Chinese business in Africa, don’t miss “China/Africa Big Business: Moving Africa.”

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David B