The Beckoning Silence

Jul 28, 2023 | Sports, Videos

The Beckoning Silence is a documentary that tells the story of one of mountaineering’s most tragic disasters. The film follows climber Joe Simpson, whose amazing battle for survival was depicted in the multi-award winning Touching the Void, as he journeys to the North Face of the Eiger.

The tragedy took place in 1936 when four climbers tried to conquer this mountain, which at that time was considered to be one of the last great unconquered peaks in the Alps. The assault started off with great success, but then disaster struck and one by one, Kurz’s colleagues were killed or lost their lives in trying to reach the summit.

What makes this story all the more remarkable is that Joe Simpson experienced a similar plight while climbing in Peru over 50 years later. Faced with an impossible situation, Simpson somehow found strength and luck to survive his ordeal while his hero Toni Kurz tragically perished on the same mountain decades before him.

The Beckoning Silence captures these two stories intertwined together as Simpson attempts to come to terms with his experiences and grapple with his admiration for Kurz’s courage and determination despite such overwhelming odds. It is an emotionally charged journey that will leave viewers inspired and intrigued by this incredible tale of adventure and danger.

If you’re looking for an exciting journey full of suspense and a gripping story steeped in history, then look no further than The Beckoning Silence. Don’t miss out on your chance to experience this enthralling documentary about mountaineering’s epic tragedies.

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David B