The 1972 Munich Olympics massacre

Jul 22, 2023 | History, Sports, Videos

In the early morning of September 5, 1972, Palestinian terrorists disrupted the peace of the Munich Olympic Village. They took 11 Israeli athletes and officials hostage, and the world watched in horror as the events unfolded. The tragedy of the Munich massacre forever changed the lives of four women, including Ankie Spitzer, the widow of one of the murdered fencing coaches, and Mossad agent Sylvia Rafael.
This documentary traces the aftermath of the Munich massacre in a narrative that is both stirring and illuminating. With a focus on the lives of these four women and the events that shaped them, the documentary provides a unique insight into one of the darkest moments in Olympics history. Through interviews and archive footage, it tells the story of how a group of athletes set out to represent their country at the Olympics and ended up becoming the victims of a heinous act of terror that would reverberate across the world for years to come.

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David B