Syrian refugees after 5 years in Germany

Aug 4, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

In 2015, four Suleiman children were forced to flee war-torn Syria with their parents to start a new life in Germany. At first, everything seemed promising, the children became German citizens, spoke the language fluently and made new friends. However, their parents struggled with the transition, and it took the family several years before they could finally settle down in Berlin.
The husband worried about his remaining family in Syria, seeking psychological help to cope with the haunting memories of the war. Meanwhile, the mother worked hard every day, learning German in hopes of landing a nursing job when the children grew older. Now, a documentary by Viktoria Kleber, tracks the Suleiman family’s journey from the moment they escaped Syria, the challenges they faced in Germany, and their hopes for the future. Experience their struggle to adapt, their determination to stay together, and their mission to seek a better life in a foreign land.

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