Super Stadium | Building Demolition | BlowDown | S02 E01

Oct 30, 2023 | Sports, Videos

Super Stadium Demolition is a documentary that shows an expert demolition team taking down a massive sports stadium situated in the heart of Indianapolis. The RCA Dome has a seating capacity of 60,000, located just a few meters away from a multimillion dollar convention center and the main rail line of the city. The scale of this project is colossal, with 52,000 tons of solid concrete to tackle, 12 stories of office tower windows to disintegrate, and an out-of-date underground sewer to dismantle without damaging any of the surrounding areas.
This documentary offers a unique insight into what it takes to bring down such an enormous structure and its outdoor led display and restrict the destruction from spreading beyond the targeted area. It highlights the expertise and skilled workmanship necessary to complete the job safely while keeping all their plays inbounds.
We encourage you to watch the Super Stadium Demolition and experience the thrill of witnessing a team of experts showcase their skills as they undertake one of the most challenging demolition projects in modern times.

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David B