Saving Spain’s largest saltwater lagoon

Nov 1, 2023 | Environmental, People, Social, Videos

The documentary captures the riveting battle fought by environmental activists and fishermen, united in a protest movement against the agricultural lobby pursuing their business interests in Spain’s Mar Menor region. Europe’s largest saltwater lagoon is under a significant threat from industrial farming in the area. Spanning across the Murcia region in southern Spain, this garden of Europe fills the shelves of Northern European supermarkets with fresh produce, especially in winter when the demand is the highest, but its second-largest business sector comes at a cost.
Wastewater from the agricultural industry is polluting the Mar Menor’s lagoon, and the locals have risen up in arms against the deteriorating condition of their natural resources. Seventy percent of Spain’s lettuce exports come from here, but Angel Monedero’s flooded house due to polluted wastewater became a turning point for him. He joined the fight against the agricultural companies and their political backers. The increasing levels of nitrates and other toxic by-products have drastically declined the fish stocks over the last few years, putting the livelihoods of the local fishermen at serious risk. The situation can no longer be ignored, push has come to shove, and a change is imminent.

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David B