Russia: The Risk of Dissent

May 27, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

In April, an extensive campaign was launched by the Russian government to encourage citizens to report any “suspicious” activities of those who do not support their offensive against extremism. To further justify their actions against the opposition, Moscow installed nearly 189,000 surveillance cameras throughout the city. This surveillance system has created a climate of fear in public spaces – anyone who speaks out against the official Kremlin propaganda can face serious consequences.

The documentary “Russia: Surveillance & Fear” takes a deep dive into the oppressive tactics used by Russia’s security forces. It captures detailed accounts from people directly affected and explores how state surveillance is violating human rights and creating an atmosphere of paranoia among its citizens.

This film provides an important look into some of the most pressing issues in modern Russia and serves as a powerful reminder of why it is so important for us to remain vigilant in our fight for free speech and human rights. We urge everyone to watch this documentary and learn more about the realities on the ground in Russia today.

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David B