Russia: Petrovich, hero of the taiga

Oct 9, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

The documentary tells the story of a man named Petrovich, who has become the lifeline for the residents of Soyga. The town was once known for its timber industry but is now mostly home to the elderly. After the industry closed down, the younger generation left the village, making Petrovich responsible for the well-being of the remaining residents.
Despite the challenges, Petrovich goes to great lengths to keep the residents connected to the outside world. He operates a ramshackle narrow-gauge railway, which he uses to bring groceries and firewood to those who need it. He even drives the residents to the nearby town to run errands and shuttles them to the cemetery when they pass away. The documentary highlights the story of this selfless man who has become a train driver, mechanic, and guardian angel all at once.

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David B