Rhyme & Reason

Feb 11, 2024 | Music, Videos

Rhyme & Reason is a 1997 documentary film about rap and hip hop music which has been described as one of the most comprehensive looks into the culture. Documentary filmmaker Peter Spirer interviewed over 80 influential artists in rap and hip hop, ranging from veteran old-school rappers like Kurtis Blow, KRS-One and Chuck D to contemporary hitmakers like Wu-Tang Clan, The Fugees and Sean “Puffy” Combs.

The documentary dives deep into the history of hip hop culture, exploring how rap has changed over time to become a major cultural voice (and a multi-billion dollar industry), as well as many of the controversies that come with it. It’s filled with thoughtful interviews where each artist shares their personal stories and opinion about rap culture. This movie isn’t just for fans of hip hop – it offers an insightful look at how music can influence societal trends and how our society views art.

This film is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about the roots of modern rap music or curious about the impact this genre has had on popular culture. With its strong focus on social issues, Rhyme & Reason delves deep into topics such as race, gender roles, gang violence and more – making it both an entertaining watch and an educational experience. Featuring some of the biggest names in hip hop today, this documentary is sure to offer something new even to those already familiar with this genre.

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David B