Return to Kabul – Afghan deportees one year on

Sep 17, 2023 | People, Political, Videos

Afghani Shams Ahmadi was deported from Bavaria to Kabul in January 2017. But what happened to him after deportation? And what about other young Afghans in the same situation?Without orientation and wandering the streets of Kabul, Shams Ahmadi longed to return to Germany. A new documentary chronicles his story, exploring what has become of him and other young deported Afghans in the year since they left. As calls continue for more deportations to Afghanistan despite the country’s precarious security situation, the documentary provides a glimpse into the challenges that await those who are sent back.
Some have made their way back to Europe, while others have remained in Afghanistan and started over. Mirwais Arya, for example, chose to invest his money in a burger shop and pizzeria instead of a smuggler. The young man says it was a good decision – but not everyone is so lucky. The documentary reveals the stories of those who have struggled since their deportation, shedding light on the often-overlooked consequences of immigration policies.

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David B