Resistance I Tracks East

Jun 21, 2023 | Military/War, Nature, People, Social, Videos

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate, a number of brave individuals are taking action to fight for their freedom. Among these are members from various communities across Eastern Europe, including a Polish cyber elf, a Ukrainian DJ on the front line, a militant Russian grandmother and Belarusian hackers. Despite representing different countries and backgrounds, they have all united under one goal: resisting the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The plight of these courageous figures was recently documented in the critically-acclaimed documentary “Resisting the Invasion”, which follows their stories as they fight back against the oppressive forces of Russia. From cyber warfare waged by Polish-born hacker Natalia Poklonskaya, who is leading efforts to shut down pro-Russian media outlets online, to 93 year old Babushka Galina’s use of her own body as a shield against tanks at the front line, this film showcases how ordinary citizens can become heroes in times of war.

The documentary also takes an in-depth look at other lesser known heroes like Ukrainian DJ Sasha Strelchenko who risked his life to deliver vital supplies to troops under siege and Belarusian hackers fighting for Ukrainian sovereignty from overseas. By exploring their individual stories with sensitivity and respect, this unique production reveals what it means to be part of today’s resistance movement in Eastern Europe.

From heart-warming tales of resilience and bravery to inspiring accounts of selfless acts in times of adversity, “Resisting The Invasion” provides viewers with an unforgettable glimpse into a region that has been deeply affected by ongoing conflict. If you want to learn more about those who are standing up for freedom in Eastern Europe then this remarkable documentary is not one to be missed!

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David B