Refugees on Lesbos

Sep 15, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

In State of Emergency Lesbos and the Refugee Crisis, a documentary by Oliver Sallet, viewers witness the increasing struggles and resistance occurring on the Greek island. Despite the EU-Turkey refugee deal, the island is experiencing a surge in the number of new arrivals, leaving it woefully unprepared for the approaching winter. The conditions in the camps are catastrophic, with locals and migrants alike demanding action from the authorities.
Through the story of Ahmed Al-Majeed, a refugee who fled from so-called Islamic State, viewers gain insight into the plight of the refugees. Ahmed, who ran a bookshop in Iraq, reached Lesbos only two months ago and talks about how refugees like him are being treated like animals on the island. He and Stelios, a shepherd who has lost more than 40 sheep to refugees, agree that the situation on Lesbos is untenable. With a growing sense of resistance to the authorities, State of Emergency Lesbos and the Refugee Crisis presents a powerful and affecting portrayal of a community grappling with a humanitarian emergency.

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David B