*RE-UPLOAD* Libya: Locked Up

Jul 24, 2023 | History, Lifestyle, People, Technology, Videos

Thousands of jihadists from across North Africa, Sudan, Chad, and even France are held in the high security prisons of Benghazi. Locked away and seemingly forgotten about by the authorities, they often wait for years without a trial before facing the military court. It is an alarming reality that has been documented in a new documentary recently released by Royal Film Productions – ‘Benghazi: The Last Stand’.

The film follows the plight of those imprisoned in Benghazi’s high security prison over the last decade. Through interviews with prisoners and their families, as well as officials from Libya’s government, viewers gain an inside view into the lives of these detainees and their struggles for justice. Most come from impoverished backgrounds and lack access to legal representation or support from their government; instead they rely on donations from family members or charities to survive between court appearances.

The documentary also sheds light on the various abuses suffered by prisoners at the hands of prison guards and interrogators. Reports have emerged of solitary confinement stretching beyond 30 days with no explanation as well as severe beatings and torture. Such acts threaten not only physical safety but also mental health – with long-term effects noted among former inmates who are now free.

The documentary serves to offer greater understanding on this significant human rights crisis in Libya. It highlights both individual stories and systemic problems within its justice system that lead to further hardships for those detained unjustly or left languishing behind bars for years without due process or justice. Yet it also provides hope – suggesting that with greater international awareness there may be progress towards a fairer system for all parties involved.

For those interested in gaining more insight into this troubling issue, ‘Benghazi: The Last Stand’ is a must watch documentary that provides an informative yet emotive look into this pressing human rights issue afflicting many in Libya today.

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David B