Portugal’s avocados: Green gold or ecological nightmare?

Jun 6, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

Matthew had always dreamed of a peaceful life in a small guesthouse surrounded by a green garden in southern Portugal. But his idyllic setting was soon disrupted by noisy excavators tearing up cork oak and prickly pear trees to make way for a massive avocado plantation. The large Portuguese fruit-growing company seemed undeterred by the drought-stricken region’s already depleted water resources. The locals were not allowed to drill new wells, yet the company had permits from the authorities. Will Matthew’s only vital well run dry? Will his land become barren? Will the region become a wasteland?”
“This is just one of the many alarming stories highlighted in ‘Portugal’s Avocado Scandal,’ a documentary that investigates how the cultivation of the new superfood is affecting the country’s water situation, small farmers, and local residents. With increasing permits for larger plantations, and support from the EU, are Portugal’s avocados a green gold rush, or a short-term money-spinner with expensive long-term consequences? Watch the film to learn more about the sinister side of this hugely popular health food.”

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David B