Police brutality in Nairobi‘s slums

Jul 30, 2023 | Crime, Social, Videos

The Kenyan police are carrying out an underground war against crime by killing suspected criminals. In the streets of Nairobi’s slums, young men are being shot down with impunity. The death toll in 2017 is said to be over 3,000.
Under the harmonious surface and economic progress, lies a disturbing and brutal reality in Kenya. A culture of extrajudicial killings has become the norm, and authorities act with impunity. Third Person tells the story of the young victims of police brutality in Kenya. Witness the fight for justice and the activists that risk their lives to expose the truth.The documentary shines a light on the disturbing culture of extrajudicial killings in Kenya, highlighting the stories of victims and activists that refuse to remain silent. Third Person is an eye-opening account of the fight for justice, and the unsung heroes who make a stand.

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David B