Pay up or get out! Nairobi’s slumlords

Jun 21, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

In the slums of Nairobi, life is a constant struggle for survival. With over 90 percent of tenants living in rented corrugated-metal shacks owned by ruthless slumlords, the most vulnerable people are at the mercy of those exploiters. Countless families are evicted and left on the street, as they struggle to pay their rent amidst the pandemic. However, some continue to fight for a better future, no matter how dire the circumstances.
The Losers of Nairobi is a documentary that tells the stories of those oppressed by a system that seems set against them. Through the eyes of residents such as Agnes Muhavishe and slumlord Peter Chege, the film explores the complex reasons behind evictions and the struggle for survival. The atrocities committed in the name of profit will leave viewers horrified, but the resilience and determination of those fighting to survive, may inspire some hope for change.

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David B