Orlando, five years after the massacre

Nov 2, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

Five years ago, Amanda Grau survived one of the deadliest mass shootings in US history. On that fateful night, when a gunman opened fire in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, 49 people lost their lives and 53 were injured. Amanda, who identified as a member of the LGBT community and a paramedic, managed to hide beneath dead bodies in a bathroom and later helped police locate the killer. Her life was forever changed by the trauma and loss, but also by the courage and compassion she witnessed.
Now, documentary filmmaker Ines Pohl brings us the story of Amanda Grau, a survivor who turned into a savior. Through intimate interviews and stunning visual footage, we follow Amanda’s journey from despair to hope, from victim to hero, from trauma to healing. We see how she copes with the aftermath of the shooting, how she finds purpose in her work as a paramedic, and how she promotes greater understanding and acceptance of diversity. Surviving Pulse is a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit and a call to action for a safer and more inclusive society.

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David B