Organized crime in Montenegro: Sweeping up corruption

Aug 6, 2023 | Political, Social, Videos

Montenegro, a small country in the Balkans, has been plagued by corruption and organized crime for decades. Despite being a candidate for EU membership, the country has struggled to get a grip on the issue, hindering its development. However, in late 2020, an unlikely figure emerged as Prime Minister, promising to bring a new era of governance. Zdravko Krivokapic, a university professor and political novice, vowed to crackdown on the rampant nepotism and corruption that had spread through the country under the long rule of President Milo Dukanovic.
Krivokapic’s rise to power sparked hope among the Montenegrin people for a brighter future. The country’s political awakening has been a tumultuous journey, with those loyal to Dukanovic seeking to undermine the new Prime Minister’s efforts. However, Krivokapic has remained steadfast in his promise, taking steps to root out corruption and instill a sense of justice. As Montenegro’s story of reform continues to unfold, the rest of the world watches in anticipation of what the future holds.

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David B