Onwards to New Delhi – a farmer’s protest

Aug 4, 2023 | Culture, People, Social, Videos

The winds of change are blowing in Punjab, Northern India, and they are unsettling the lives of farmers like Satnam Singh. For generations, the state-run wholesale markets provided farmers like Satnam guaranteed minimum prices for their produce. But new legislation has upended this age-old arrangement, allowing farmers to bypass the middlemen and sell directly to private buyers.
Satnam Singh fears that this newfound “freedom” may lead to his ruin, as private buyers have the upper hand in negotiations, and farmers risk losing everything. Nimisha Jaiswal and Sharique Ahmad take us on a journey through the heartland of agricultural India, where thousands of farmers are descending on the nation’s capital to make their voices heard. Follow Satnam Singh and other farmers as they embark on a month-long struggle to fight for a better future.

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David B