Nepal: The Paths Of Wisdom | Deadliest Journeys

Aug 13, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

The remote village of Gorkha, situated in the Himalayan foothills, has been fighting against the monsoon for centuries. The village remains isolated for months each year as deeply rooted superstitions discourage people from travelling in these conditions. Caravans of mules and convoys of trucks struggle to make their way through treacherous roads to keep the population fed and stocked with necessary supplies. An award-winning documentary, ‘Gorkha: Fighting Against the Monsoon’, directed by Vishnu Prasad Rimal showcases the courage and resilience of this mountain community.

‘Gorkha: Fighting Against the Monsoon’ takes us on a journey into a world filled with ancient beliefs and traditions. An act of theft is considered a serious crime in Buddhism, which has been ingrained deeply into the culture. The locals also strongly believe that bad actions will lead to bad luck. Despite this, they remain hopeful and continue to work hard even during difficult times – women included. The filmmakers take audiences behind the scenes and show us how even mules can be scared to death when faced with impassable roads or deep ravines.

This documentary offers viewers an unique glimpse into a remote village struggling against all odds and is sure to leave you moved by its powerful storytelling. For those interested in learning more about adventure, faith and survival in extreme conditions, ‘Gorkha: Fighting Against the Monsoon’ is a must watch!

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David B