My Brother The Serial Killer

Jan 2, 2024 | Crime, Videos

My Brother The Serial Killer is a 2012 documentary that takes a deep dive into the dark criminal history of Glen Rogers, also known as the “Casanova Killer”. The film explores claims that Rogers was responsible for over 70 murders and arsons across the United States during the 1990s. It also examines allegations that he was behind the infamous 1994 Goldman-Simpson murders, in which Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were brutally slain in Los Angeles.

The documentary draws upon interviews with key figures such as Rogers’ family members, criminal profilers, and people close to his victims. These interviews reveal chilling details about Rogers’ murderous rampage, including his confession to being hired by O.J Simpson to steal jewelry from Nicole Brown Simpson’s home – and potentially murder her. The film culminates in an intense interrogation of Glen Rogers himself, where he provides further evidence regarding his involvement in these heinous crimes.

Through its unique access to both primary source material and firsthand accounts, My Brother The Serial Killer provides a fascinating look at one of the most notorious serial killers of our time. It is an essential watch for anyone interested in true crime stories or looking to gain insight into how a seemingly normal person can become consumed by evil actions.

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David B