Mrabet, The Illiterate Writer | Oral Tradition in Tangier

Sep 29, 2023 | Aviation, Environmental, People, Videos

Mohammed Mrabet is a renowned storyteller and literary figure who has been an undeniable influence on the Beat Generation. His tales, deeply rooted in Berber oral tradition, evoke the vibrant culture of Tangier during the 1940s and 1950s. Despite never having been able to read or write, his talent captured the attention of celebrated figures like Paul Bowles and Harold Norse, who recorded his stories for posterity.

In time, Mrabet became well-known around the world as the first Moroccan writer to be published in France. Today he is remembered not only for his contributions to literature but also for his historic impact on storytelling and popular culture.

Mrabet’s life and works have recently been documented in an acclaimed documentary aptly titled Mohammed Mrabet: The Voice of a Storyteller. It features interviews with some of his closest friends and admirers, as well as rare archival footage that provides an intimate look into this creative genius’ life. In addition, it highlights the timeless themes found throughout his work such as love, friendship, family dynamics, and life’s many struggles.

This emotionally engaging film offers viewers a unique opportunity to learn about Moroccan culture through its most influential storyteller’s words. If you’re looking for an inspiring way to discover more about this extraordinary man’s ideas and experiences, then this documentary is guaranteed to provide poignant insight into one man’s remarkable journey through art and storytelling. So don’t miss out – watch Mohammed Mrabet: The Voice of a Storyteller now!

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David B