Mountain traditions: Costumed cattle parade in the Alps

Oct 30, 2023 | Animals, Culture, People, Videos

On a crisp autumn day in Tyrolean Alps, a timeless tradition unfolds. Herders and their prized cattle descend from higher pastures for an annual festive procession known as the Almabtrieb. Thousands of spectators gather to welcome them back into the valley with parades, parties, and feasting. For five hundred years, this custom has been bringing local communities together to celebrate nature’s bounty and honor the proud heritage of cattle rearing.
As the steady clang of cowbells fills the air, a well-known figure leads his herd into town. Leonhard “Hartl” Thaler is a 62-year-old farmer, cattle dealer, innkeeper, and musician, respected and beloved by many in Reith im Alpbachtal. He embodies the spirit of the region, where people’s lives are intertwined with the land, animals, and seasons. This upcoming documentary captures the essence of the Almabtrieb through stunning visuals, captivating sounds, and insightful interviews with the people who make it happen. Get ready to be transported to a world where tradition meets modernity, and spectacle meets sincerity.

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David B