Motor racing – Going for the record

Aug 22, 2023 | History, Social, Sports, Videos

In 1938, two German carmakers, Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union, pushed the limits of human endurance and machine ability to break the land speed world record on a stretch of the Frankfurt-Darmstadt autobahn. The drivers, Rudolf Caracciola and Bernd Rosemeyer, both at the peak of their sport, engaged in an intense rivalry to become the fastest man on earth. But tragedy struck when Rosemeyer lost control of his vehicle on the 9-kilometer mark, and his car somersaulted into an embankment, instantly killing him.
High Velocity is a documentary that captures the thrill of speed and racing, but also the dark side of the sport. Through interviews with experts, historians, and surviving family members of the legendary drivers, the film uncovers the obsession that fueled the need for speed and danger, and examines the impact that Rosemeyer’s death had not only on the motorsports community, but also on the rise of the Nazi regime. Dive into the perilous world of motor racing and discover the true cost of glory.

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David B